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The Loss of a Loved One.

{A fabulous writing practice book called "Write the Story" (available from guides my everyday "Pajama Pages"; those pages you write when you're in your pyjamas and you haven't yet brushed your teeth before crawling into or out of bed... early morning or late night scribbles. Each page gives you 10 words and you have to write a story containing all those words - Hope it entertains you.}

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Theme: The loss of a Loved One

Muslim | bachelor | chandelier | ladybug | strive | inverse | mannerism | balance | overreact | prime


My favourite Muslim is a man called Mo – I knew he had a much longer name but as I admired his immaculate suit and fresh haircut where he stood at the podium, I understood his intimate reasons for wanting to be just Mo. We were gathered to listen to a eulogy Mo had prepared for his best friend, who he called his favourite Christian, Dave, the eternal bachelor who was in the prime of his life, a relentless prankster who thought he could fly, said Mo. Not many people in the congregation smiled; most didn’t appreciate Mo’s dark assessment of the situation. Well maybe he knew he couldn’t fly, he continued, 'who knew?', he asked as he winked, suicide was so vague. There were sharp indrawn breaths and I laughed out loud, fortunately nobody heard me above the loud whispers of disapproval that followed.

Mo stepped down and nodded at Andy who took over, a man so beautiful the girls literally swooned when they met him, but today, Andy had painted his nails a deep purple, wore a ladybug brooch and some girls may have noticed that ‘girls’ were not his cup of tea. Peter thanked Andy as they exchanged position, and Peter spoke about Dave’s unique balance in life and how he was not a man to overreact about anything; alluding to the fact that most people thought Dave’s death a bit bizarre. James fist-bumped Peter as they passed each other to and from the podium and I noticed for the first time, that Peter and James were the exact inverse of each other, one dark one light, one tall one short, one slim one fat and one serious and one flippant. James related tales of how the five very diverse friends, had been inseparable to the frustration of all their partners. He described us as a bunch of rainbow hooligans but with the kindest of hearts - Mo, Andy, Peter, him, and me. He remembered a funny moment he had spent with me, mimicking my speech mannerism. As he lisped, sounding just like me, the chandelier above him gently swayed and a bauble dropped and hit him in the head.

I still strive to please.


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